Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance Abuse Counseling2024-12-09T18:44:11-05:00

Addiction Treatment for Smoking/Vaping, Alcohol, Opioids, Cocaine, Marijuana, Pornography, and more.

Are You Stuck In An Unhealthy Cycle Of Substance Abuse?

Do you drink, vape, smoke weed, use nicotine or other drugs more often than you’d like?

Is your substance abuse negatively impacting your mental health, relationships, or performance?

Yet, do you feel as though you can’t overcome the need to use on your own?

Though many of us intend to use alcohol and other substances in moderation, the truth is that our use can get out of hand before we even recognize there is a problem. No matter how intelligent, accomplished, or strong we are, addictive substances can get a physiological and mental hold on us. Despite wanting to cut down or quit entirely, it’s easy to experience slip-ups and setbacks that cause us to doubt our abilities in managing urges.

Woman at table with laptop
Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and how to get your drinking under control.

How Is Substance Abuse Negatively Impacting Your Life?

Young woman smiling on laptop

Of course, there are physical consequences of substance abuse, including hangovers, sleep issues, and other disruptions to our daily routines. Not to mention, there can be long-term physical ramifications of overuse, leading to illness and/or decreased organ function. 

There are also mental, emotional, and relational challenges that can arise from using. Symptoms of withdrawal can be particularly distracting, leading to obstacles in focus and concentration. And for many of us, our judgment becomes cloudy with use, sometimes resulting in aggressive behaviors, poor decision-making, and, in some cases, legal consequences. Substance abuse often has a way of making life’s existing struggles even worse.

The cycle of substance abuse is one that introduces a lot of shame and anxiety. It can often feel like for every step we take forward, the need to use takes us two steps back. At a certain point, we can develop the belief that we aren’t strong or skilled enough to escape the cycle. 

Counseling for substance abuse acknowledges the strength it takes to seek outside help. If you are struggling, a therapist can offer you empathy and perspective as you establish new coping skills. Working together, we can create a treatment plan that makes reducing your use or quitting altogether feel achievable.

Online therapy for substance use in Connecticut, New York, & Florida

Addiction can be caused by:

Our Culture Reinforces Unhealthy Relationships With Substances

Let’s face it: substance abuse is normalized—and even glorified—in our culture. Drinking is a huge aspect of our society, especially when it comes to socializing. And with more and more states legalizing cannabis, smoking weed is becoming a means of escape for many Americans. Nicotine use is also widely prevalent, especially with the increase in vaping and e-cigarette use. 

If you are one of the millions of Americans battling the urge to use, you are not alone. As of 2022, it’s estimated that close to 17 percent of American teens and adults will develop a substance abuse disorder. [1] Almost a quarter of Americans report using tobacco products, including vapes. [2] Within those populations, many individuals experience co-occurring alcohol and substance abuse. 

Furthermore, mental health conditions are common among users; though many individuals use substances to ease symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma, self-medicating ends up worsening the cycle of addiction. 

Many factors contribute to substance abuse, including genetics and circumstantial stressors that lead to an increase in urges. For many, there has been such a dependence on the substance for so long that it can feel nearly impossible to quit. However, substance abuse treatment can be very effective, especially with the ongoing, individualized support of a therapist who can help reinforce healthier habits.

At Psych Fitness, Substance Abuse Counseling Is Designed To Help You Feel More In Control Of Your Choices

In general, counseling for substance abuse and addiction yields a high success rate in helping clients to establish and maintain sobriety. [3] Between acquiring new skills and perspectives, creating an actionable plan, and fostering shared community among users, treatment can provide a foundation for long-term recovery. 

As a therapist specializing in substance abuse, we are well suited for clients looking to quit or cut back on drinking, smoking, and other drug use. However, the services we provide are entirely out-patient; if you are in search of more concentrated in-patient addiction recovery, we can provide you with referrals for treatment. We also have some resources for group therapy that we can share.

Older man smiling and shaking a hand

What To Expect

Much of the therapeutic process revolves around building skills for managing your urges and cravings. Using behavioral strategies, we will guide you in changing your mindset around substance use. With new skills and perspectives in mind, we will create an actionable treatment plan that will help you avoid triggers and setbacks. 

As you develop your skills and establish a new baseline, we will then be able to explore some of the root causes behind your need to use. If there is a particular trauma or stressor at the core of your urges, we will help you reprocess difficult experiences and establish a new coping toolkit. 

My approach blends elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to help clients change attitudes about substance use. We also draw from psychodynamic, relational approaches to reinforce feelings of safety and confidence. We believe that a dual-sided “bottom-up” and “top-down” approach is valuable for addressing both surface-level symptoms and root causes. 

We are here to encourage you that recovery is possible—every day across the globe, people change their relationship with substances. Working together in substance abuse counseling, we can understand what drives your urges as we develop meaningful skills for reducing or overcoming those urges altogether. All it takes is commitment and the belief that recovery is within your reach.

Still Unsure If Therapy Can Help You Overcome Substance Abuse Issues?

I want to quit smoking/vaping—can therapy help?

Absolutely. In counseling for substance abuse, we will provide you with proven strategies for cutting back or quitting entirely. Whether you find your cravings unmanageable or you want to become more aware of your triggers, we will collaborate with you in coming up with a workable plan for quitting/cutting back. 

I want to get my drinking under control—can counseling help?

If you’re finding it difficult to get your alcohol use under control, it’s possible that you are often put in situations where drinking is normalized or even expected. We will work with you in therapy to establish healthier habits and boundaries so that you can determine if you want to cut down on your alcohol use or quit using entirely.

My substance abuse is spiraling, but I am not sure therapy can help. 

It sounds like you are really struggling to manage your habits and behaviors, but therapeutic treatment is an effective, meaningful way to curb your use and build your confidence. As you develop new coping skills and boundaries, you are likely to see a drastic reduction in your use alongside increased levels of motivation, self-esteem, and self-awareness.

Re-Establish A Sense Of Control In Your Life

Psych Fitness offers substance abuse counseling for clients struggling with addiction or unhealthy drinking and drug use. We serve both adults and teens. For more information about how therapy can help you overcome substance abuse issues or if you are ready to build a healthier lifestyle, contact me.


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